Electric Cooperatives in Texas
Feb 11, 2022
Chances are you use cruise control in your vehicle, you have your AC system set to a weekly schedule, and you may also have an automatic sprinkler system in your yard. We get it... life's too busy, and it's helpful to have one less thing to worry about.
In fact, we were founded for the sole reason of giving Texans one less thing to worry about -- namely, overpaying for electricity, and wasting time and effort during the shopping process.
Feb 11, 2022
What do you give family and friends as gifts every year? You may offer some expensive knick-knacks for a collection. Or a brand spanking new tech gadget that's on a loved one's wish list. Gift cards and cash are always a hit, too. Likewise, you could take Steve Noviello's Favorite Gift suggestions! Energy Ogre was featured on FOX 4 News in Dallas! Steve Noviello puts Energy Ogre at the top of his favorite gifts list! Promo code HOLIDAY gets you the 13th month free!
Feb 11, 2022
When was the last time you were excited about your summer electric bill? Meet Sharla! She and her wife Nickie noticed their bills seemed to be getting higher and higher with their old plan. They knew there had to be a better option. Watch Sharla's Energy Ogre review below!
Feb 11, 2022